Adult Alternative

One hit wonders, ejaculation shame, cupid slave boys, Mr. Belvedere and stereotypes of male fantasies.

 Adult Alternative [13:10m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download


  1. Gray said,

    May 8th, 2008 at 3:13 pm

    I just got done with a long bike ride where I listened to your podcasts so far. The reference to the “St. Anthony’s cross” threw me (you mean St. Andrew’s, right, or is there another cross I’m ignorant of?) but I was chuckling and nodding and finishing your thoughts (”I felt like an object…” you said, and I mumbled “…and not in a good way” “…and not in a HOT way.” I laughed and startled the biker next to me).

    Anyway, I thought you really raised some great thoughts in this one, about what it would take to make an environment friendly to women without excluding men. I’ve also really enjoyed your comments about the “Sex Butler Slave Boy” idea, and wow..a warm towel after group sex? What a FANTASTIC idea!

    I do a podcast too ( ) and would love to interview you to talk about that party etiquette issue and rope bondage for annoying but attractive men and other fun stuff. In the meantime, I’m going to promote your podcast on mine, and look forward to hearing from you again. Great, great work - we need more women like you in the podcast world.

  2. Nobilis said,

    May 16th, 2008 at 4:40 pm

    I just discovered your podcast, as a result of Graydancer’s promotion, and this was the first episode I listened to. I enjoyed it immensely.

    I hope to hear much more from you.

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